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November 14, 2015

gallery-outlook-3Here are the top 10 ways to Bug proof your home in time for Summer

10. Seal all doors. Seal gaps by installing a robust aluminum threshold under your door and add a door sweep for good measure. Adding a door sweep along the door’s perimeter should hold off bugs as well.

9. Maintain your yard. Removing pooled water and maintaining gutters and drains in your yard prevents mosquitoes from breeding and proliferating.

8. Repair any cracks. Here’s the rule of thumb when repairing cracks: if a pencil can fit through the crack, small rodents and insects can, too. Try using caulk to seal off window frames, exhaust grills, and air intakes for best results.

7. Seal around pipe penetrations. Bugs can invade your home through exterior gas, water, air-conditioning, or electrical pipe penetrations. Use pipe sealants or caulk for smaller openings and expandable polyurethane foam for bigger ones to hold them off.

6. Cover large openings. You can cover up large openings in your roof, chimney, roof vents, basements, grilles, and vents with a kind of wire mesh called hardwire cloth. Consequently, you will also prevent raccoons and squirrels from entering your house.

5. Don’t invite bugs – eliminate clutter, as well as unprotected food and water sources. Use airtight containers for food, store unsealed food items in your fridge, sweep away any crumbs, and wash dishes immediately so pests won’t invade your household.

4. Store trash correctly. Store food rubbish in a can with a lid in the kitchen and not other rooms. Empty the can nightly and sanitise all trash receptacles and recycling bins frequently.

3. Keep foundations clean and clear. Eliminate moisture from foundations to prevent spiders, fleas, ants, and termites from proliferating.

2. Encourage natural predators such as birds. Swallows and warblers are excellent mosquito predators. On the other hand, bats feast on mosquitoes, spiders, flies, wasps, and scorpions.

1. Have screen doors installed asap. By installing screen doors or retractable fly screens from Freedom Screens, you’ll not only keep pests at bay, but you’ll also enjoy some fresh air inside your home.

Read the full article here.

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We are an Australian manufacturer dedicated to creating innovative screen solutions for french, bi-fold and sliding stacker doors and windows, as well as pillarless corners and large, difficult-to-screen openings, balcony screen, patio screen and outdoor privacy screen solutions.

We invite you to explore our innovative range of products created from over 20 years of experience. Freedom Retractable Screens® – Innovative insect screens for modern Australian living!