Eco Friendly
Installing any of our eco-friendly Freedom Retractable Screens® in your home won't just benefit you and your family, but reduces your carbon footprint helping the planet as well.
CHOOSE A SCREENPRODUCT SHOWCASEProtect your family from pesky insects while saving our planet.
If you’ve been looking for a way to reduce your carbon footprint at home, then our innovative screen solutions may be just what you need. Our screens will help reduce your air-conditioner energy consumption and lower your electricity bill by maximising natural airflow. It will also eliminate your need for insect repellents and chemical bug sprays. As you may be aware, both air conditioners and insect repellents pose risks not just for your body but for our planet as well.

Air conditioners cause harm to our environment by releasing carbon dioxide and halocarbons (CFCs) that deplete our ozone layer and contribute to global warming. Since they consume a lot of electricity, they also contribute to pollution.
And when you consider that there over one billion air conditioning units in the world today, you can just imagine the compounding, exponential effect of all these units to our ozone layer.
But you can make a difference simply by using our environmentally-friendly screens that allow air to flow to your home so you don’t need to use the air conditioner as often.
Insect repellents and bug sprays, particularly those that come in aerosol spray bottles, include hydrocarbons and compressed gases that cause damage to our ozone layer.
CFC-free aerosols may seem like the more eco-friendly option, but don’t be fooled. They still emit volatile organic compounds that may be linked to asthma and cause damage to our ozone layer. The good news is that our eco-friendly screens can stop you from using any of these toxin-laden insect repellents ever again.
Taking control of your living environment and being socially responsible go hand-in-hand. Make the right choice for your family and the environment by choosing our eco-friendly Freedom Retractable Screens® for your home and beyond.

Freedom Retractable Screens
We took the concept of screen doors and windows, elevating it to a whole new level. Innovative designs that effortlessly blend functionality and style, our screens are custom built for the largest openings like patios, garages and pergolas and they blend in seamlessly with your home.
Best of all, they’re Australian made, so you know they’re quality, backed by a limited 5 year gurarantee. Enhance your living space today by choosing the best retractable screens on the market.
Discover The Freedom Range Today!
Who Are We?
We are an Australian manufacturer dedicated to creating innovative screen solutions for french, bi-fold and sliding stacker doors and windows, as well as pillarless corners and large, difficult-to-screen openings, balcony screen, patio screen and outdoor privacy screen solutions.
We invite you to explore our innovative range of products created from over 20 years of experience. Freedom Retractable Screens® – Innovative insect screens for modern Australian living!